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Pedelec diseñada para los viajeros de las afueras, la bicicleta para ir al trabajo se vuelve eficiente y sin esfuerzo.
- Batería extraíble
- Geometría especial para trayectos de corta y media distancia
- Soporte de potencia de motor sensible

Diseño minimalista compactado con una excelente tecnología Pedelec.
Sensor de torque
Motor ultrasilencioso
7 marchas Shimano

Infinity 3 is a great bike for urban commuters, students and even those looking to get back in the saddle after years away from bicycling.

Rymic Infinity 3 review. Urban commuter ebike with up to 100km claimed range, removable battery, 46Nm torque sensor, and 250W motor.

Although positioned as an e-bike with valuew for money, infinity 3 is clear and precise in its choice of parts.

Reviewing the RYMIC Infinity 3 which has been designed with convenience, efficiency and affordability in mind. Priced under £1000, you can get yourself a real comfortable, modern e-bike with torque sensor and a massive 100KM range.

It is a stylish two-wheeler conceived to go the distance and comes at a really affordable price.
About Rymic
The antsy bingers of Netflix will eagerly anticipate the digital release of the Survive soundtrack, out today.
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The antsy bingers of Netflix will eagerly anticipate the digital release of the Survive soundtrack, out today.
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